2021年3月4日(四) 09:00-17:15
台北世界貿易中心展覽大樓 第4-5會議室

Robbert de Kock
Robbert de Kock
Robbert de Kock, from Murten/Switzerland, started in September 2007 as the WFSGI President and CEO. He brings more than 35 years of sporting goods industry experience in the broadest sense. His professional experience goes from retail to wholesale with excellent knowledge in the manufacturer processes and international sport relations for global advocacy. Before becoming the WFSGI President and CEO, he worked 13 years for the Berne based IIC-INTERSPORT International Corporation in various functions where in the last six years as Vice President License & Global Business Development and therefore also responsible for the full process in the expansion of the INTERSPORT group in Europe, Middle East and Asia. Robbert de Kock speaks 8 languages. Today he still enjoys sport and is, wherever possible, active in badminton, tennis , volleyball, golf, football, sailing or skiing.
Ben Wilde
Ben Wilde
Ben Wilde, is the Global Director of Education and Training Director for Johnson Health Tech which includes the premium commercial Matrix brand. He joined the JHT company on September 1, 2017. Ben is an industry veteran with 23 years of experience in operations, education and sales. With an academic background in exercise physiology and education Ben has worked extensively in Club Operations and on the supply side of the industry at many levels over the last 23 years. As a qualified teacher and lecturer, he strives to provide updated, scientifically valid information through training and education for International sales teams, customers and users. He teaches using a hands-on approach coupled with an astute knowledge of balancing user needs and the unique attributes of specific exercise solutions to deliver a series of effective educational outcomes. Ben has since focused his efforts towards creating a range of training modules that deliver quality content for various teams well as honing the skills of the instructors, trainers and coaches. This includes, but is not limited to, the development and management of the global product specialist team, to support a worldwide sales network for the purpose of increasing overall application, performance and results.
陳威帆是一名軟體開發者、屢獲殊榮的遊戲設計師和製作人。他創立了 Fourdesire 旨在製作各種有意義且富饒趣味的遊戲產品,為社會帶來積極影響。他的眾多獲獎作品如《植物保姆》、《Walkr》和《記帳城市》使用者已破全球數千萬,並受到華盛頓郵報、商業內幕、IGN、Polygon 等媒體報導。 Fourdesire成立於2012年,是一間嘗試結合樂趣、設計與科技的台灣數位設計公司,專注於行動裝置 App 的開發與設計,以「玩樂」這種人們的天性為出發點,運用玩心來解決現實生活的問題。Fourdesire具娛樂性的作品涵蓋生活中各種面向:健康瘦身、心理照護、財務管理等。Fourdesire希望將玩的觸角深入不同層面,讓玩,擁有更高階的意涵。
Robert Margevicius
Robert Margevicius
Robert J. Margevicius is Executive Vice President of Specialized Bicycle Components. A Morgan Hill, CA, based importer, distributor and manufacturer of bicycles and accessories. He leads the Specialized’s Asian Operations as well as strategic planning, product sourcing, product development and supplier relations. For 25 years he has been integral to the global growth at Specialized. He was formerly President at Service Cycle Bicycle Corporation, a leading importer of Mongoose juvenile and adult bicycles. Robert joined Service Cycle Bicycle in 1986 and was responsible for the re-organization of the company´s product development, marketing and sales operations. Robert started his bicycle industry career in 1979 as the Vice President of Purchasing and Marketing for West Coast Cycle Supply, the designer, importer and distributor of Nishiki, Azuki, Cycle Pro and Haro bicycles. He received his BS from the La Salle University in political science and economics, Philadelphia Pa, is a Stanford MBA graduate and Wharton EDP graduate. Robert is former professional cyclist, and currently a very active cyclist, runner, swimmer and triathlete. He currently serves on several industry and corporate Board of Directors. Robert serves as a USA Industry Trade Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce and the USA Trade Ambassador. In March of 2019, he was granted honorary Taichung, Taiwan citizenship for his contribution to the Taiwan bicycle industry.
Ton Anbeek
Accell Group
Ton Anbeek
Accell Group
Accell Group focuses on the mid-range and higher segments of the market for bicycles and bicycle parts and accessories. We are the European market leader in e-bikes and the European number two player in bicycle parts and accessories. Our bicycles and related products are sold to dealers and consumers in more than 80 countries worldwide. In addition to Sparta, other well-known bicycle brands in our portfolio include Babboe, Batavus, Diamondback, Haibike, Ghost, Koga, Lapierre, Raleigh and Winora. XLC is our brand for bicycle parts and accessories.
Annick Roetynck
(LEVA-EU) 經理
Annick Roetynck
(LEVA-EU) 經理
Annick Roetynck (B) is the manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility. Established in 2017, LEVA-EU is the only trade association in Europe to work exclusively for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs). The Light Electric Vehicle Association in Europe (LEVA-EU) represents the strategic interests of light electric vehicle retailers, dealers, distributors, manufacturers and suppliers to promote the development, sale, and use of LEVs in the EU. The term LEV includes e-cycles, e-mopeds, e-cargocycles e-scooters, self-balancing vehicles, e-motorcycles, ... The organization aims at raising awareness and promoting the European LEV-sector vis-à-vis the European Institutions. LEVA-EU has over 50 members in the EU as well as in China, Korea, Norway, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, UK and the USA.

時間 | 主題 | 講者 |
09:00-09:30 | 報到入席 | |
09:30-09:40 | 開場、論壇致詞 | |
09:40-10:10 | 智慧運動產業趨勢 |
Robbert de Kock 世界體育用品工業聯盟(WFSGI) 總裁暨首席執行官 |
10:10-10:40 | 動感新契機-體感偵測 |
Ben Wilde 喬山健康科技 全球教育訓練協理 |
10:40-11:00 | 茶敘交流 | |
11:00-11:30 | 動感新商機-體醫融合大健康 |
范瑋益 仁寶集團神寶醫資 總監 |
11:30-12:00 | 動感新跨界-遊戲社群 |
陳威帆 Fourdesire 創辦人兼製作人 |
12:00 | 自由交流及下午場次報到 |
時間 | 主題&講者 |
09:00-09:30 |
報到入席 |
09:30-09:40 |
開場、論壇致詞 |
09:40-10:10 |
智慧運動產業趨勢 Robbert de Kock 世界體育用品工業聯盟(WFSGI) 總裁暨首席執行官 |
10:10-10:40 |
動感新契機-體感偵測 Ben Wilde 喬山健康科技 全球教育訓練協理 |
10:40-11:00 |
茶敘交流 |
11:00-11:30 |
動感新商機-體醫融合大健康 范瑋益 仁寶集團神寶醫資 總監 |
11:30-12:00 |
動感新跨界-遊戲社群 陳威帆 Fourdesire 創辦人兼製作人 |
12:00 |
自由交流及下午場次報到 |
時間 | 主題 | 講者 |
13:30-14:00 | 報到入席 | |
14:00-14:25 | 騎出新視野-全球自行車市場觀察 |
Robert Margevicius Specialized 執行副總裁 |
14:25-14:50 | 騎出新商模-市場導向創新 |
陳松君 久裕集團 營銷長 |
14:50-15:15 | 騎出新思維-銷售通路創新 |
林立偉 鐵甲工業 總經理 |
15:15-15:30 | 茶敘交流 | |
15:30-15:40 | 騎出新服務-產品服務創新 |
Ton Anbeek Accell Group 執行長 |
15:40-16:05 | 騎出新產業-共享價值創新 |
林靖德 運點科技MOOVO 共同創辦人 |
16:05-16:25 | Effect of European e-bike dumping measures on Taiwan |
Annick Roetynck 歐洲輕型電動汽車協會(LEVA-EU) 經理 |
16:25-17:15 | 智慧騎乘焦點對談 |
商周集團總經理朱紀中與本場次講者共同對談 |
17:15 | 自由交流 |
時間 | 主題&講者 |
13:30-14:00 |
報到入席 |
14:00-14:25 |
騎出新視野-全球自行車市場觀察 Robert Margevicius Specialized 執行副總裁 |
14:25-14:50 |
騎出新商模-市場導向創新 陳松君 久裕集團 營銷長 |
14:50-15:15 |
騎出新思維-銷售通路創新 林立偉 鐵甲工業 總經理 |
15:15-15:30 |
茶敘交流 |
15:30-15:40 |
騎出新服務-產品服務創新 Ton Anbeek Accell Group 執行長 |
15:40-16:05 |
騎出新產業-共享價值創新 林靖德 運點科技MOOVO 共同創辦人 |
16:05-16:25 |
Effect of European e-bike dumping measures on Taiwan Annick Roetynck 歐洲輕型電動汽車協會(LEVA-EU) 經理 |
16:25-17:15 |
智慧騎乘焦點對談 商周集團總經理朱紀中與本場次講者共同對談 |
17:15 |
自由交流 |
- 主辦單位保留活動議程與講師調整之權利 -

- 1.主辦單位保留活動議程與講師調整之權利。
- 2.本活動全程免費,因座位有限,主辦單位保留資格審核權利。
- 3.活動當天須憑活動報到序號入場,並請配戴口罩、測量額溫、手部酒精消毒。
(未配戴口罩者及額溫高於37.5度者不開放入場,建議盡速就醫檢查) - 4.防範新型冠狀病毒疫情期間,敬請配合於報到時填寫健康聲明。
(02)2505-6789#5154 楊小姐