2023.07.0609:30-17:00( 09:00 報到入場 ) Taipei 101獨一文創( 台北市信義路五段7號4樓 )

* 主辦單位得保留變動講師及議程之權利 *
International Fintech Trends Forum
時間 Time 內容 Topic 講者 Speaker
09:00-09:30 開放報到Registration  
09:30-09:40 開場致詞Opening Remarks 中信金控總經理|陳佳文James ChenPresident of CTBC Financial Holding
09:40-09:50 貴賓致詞VIP Remarks 國家發展委員會副主任委員|高仙桂Kao, Shien-QueyDeputy Minister of National Development Council
09:50-10:40 大師演講》科技賦能.智造永續 共贏大未來Keynote Speech》Fintech for Good 金融科技界教父|Chris SkinnerAn Acclaimed Author and the Most Influential Commentator on the Financial Markets and Fintech
10:40-10:50 大師對談Master Talk 金融科技界教父|Chris SkinnerAn Acclaimed Author and the Most Influential Commentator on the Financial Markets and Fintech
10:50-11:00 中場休息Break
11:00-12:00 前瞻對談》在地賦能,躍接全球:台灣金融科技再進化Panel》The Competitiveness of Taiwan's Financial Technology Development From the Perspective of Global Trends — 主持人 Moderator: 商周集團總經理|朱紀中Ramie ChuGeneral Manager of Business Weekly Group — 與談人 Panelists: 中信金控科技長|賈景光Titan ChiaChief Technology Officer of CTBC Financial Holding 政大金融科技研究中心主任|王儷玲Professor Jennifer L. WangDirector of Fintech Research Center, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University 台灣微軟總經理|卞志祥Sean PienGeneral Manager of Microsoft Taiwan 麥肯錫全球董事合夥人|譚宏Charles TanPartner at McKinsey & Company
12:00-13:00 午休Lunch Break
時間 Time 內容 Topic / 講者 Speaker
09:00-09:30 開放報到Registration
09:30-09:40 開場致詞Opening Remarks中信金控總經理|陳佳文James ChenPresident of CTBC Financial Holding
09:40-09:50 貴賓致詞VIP Remarks國家發展委員會副主任委員|高仙桂Kao, Shien-QueyDeputy Minister of National Development Council
09:50-10:40 大師演講》科技賦能.智造永續 共贏大未來Keynote Speech》Fintech for Good金融科技界教父|Chris SkinnerAn Acclaimed Author and the Most Influential Commentator on the Financial Markets and Fintech
10:40-10:50 大師對談Master Talk金融科技界教父|Chris SkinnerAn Acclaimed Author and the Most Influential Commentator on the Financial Markets and Fintech
10:50-11:00 中場休息Break
11:00-12:00 前瞻對談》在地賦能,躍接全球:台灣金融科技再進化Panel》The Competitiveness of Taiwan's Financial Technology Development From the Perspective of Global Trends— 主持人 Moderator: 商周集團總經理|朱紀中Ramie ChuGeneral Manager of Business Weekly Group — 與談人 Panelists: 中信金控科技長|賈景光Titan ChiaChief Technology Officer of CTBC Financial Holding 政大金融科技研究中心主任|王儷玲Professor Jennifer L. WangDirector of Fintech Research Center, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University 台灣微軟總經理|卞志祥Sean PienGeneral Manager of Microsoft Taiwan 麥肯錫全球董事合夥人|譚宏Charles TanPartner at McKinsey & Company
12:00-13:00 午休Lunch Break
Collaborative Innovation Demonstration
時間 Time 內容 Topic 講者 Speaker
13:00-13:30 開放入場Reception  
13:30-13:40 開場致詞Opening Remarks 中信金控科技長|賈景光Titan ChiaChief Technology Officer of CTBC Financial Holding
13:40-14:00 轉型創局》科技驅策 產業揚昇Keynote Speech》Technology Empowers Industrial Innovation 數位發展部數位產業署署長|呂正華Jang-Hwa LeuDirector General of Administration for Digital Industries
14:00-14:20 國際協盟》中信創新金融生態體驗Keynote Speech》CTBC Phygital Banking Services 中信銀行作業暨資訊處處長|蕭重建Peter HsiaoExecutive Vice President of CTBC Bank
14:20-14:40 國際協盟》攜手國際銀行 建構全球最大區塊鏈貿易融資平台Keynote Speech》Blockchain Trade Finance Platform 中信銀行法金產品發展部部長|白逸群Elvis PaiSenior Vice President of CTBC BankContour執行長|Carl WegnerChief Executive Officer at Contour
14:40-15:00 國際協盟》永續科技國際接軌 啟動綠色先行列車Keynote Speech》Technology Assists Low-carbon Green Life 中信銀行數位金融處處長|羅至善Shan LuoSenior Vice President of CTBC BankDoconomy商務總監|Carl-Johan von UexkullChief Commercial Officer at Doconomy
15:00-15:20 中場休息Break
15:20-15:40 研發揭密》科技助攻 開創金融新賽道Keynote Speech》Key Technology Development of CTBC Arsenal 中信銀行數據暨科技研發處處長|王俊權Friedman WangExecutive Vice President of CTBC Bank
15:40-16:00 研發揭密》AI崛起 拓展金融無限可能Keynote Speech》The Emerging Power of AI and Its Infinite Possibilities in Finance 中信銀行智能研發部部長|宋政隆Alan SungSenior Vice President of CTBC Bank
16:00-16:20 研發揭密》數據應用 構建金融新格局Keynote Speech》Building Up the New Paradigm: Leveraging the Power of Data for Finance 中信銀行數據規劃部部長|黃逸琴Jean HuangVice President of CTBC Bank
16:20-16:40 轉型創局》運用區塊鏈 打造高價值供應鏈Keynote Speech》Creating High-value Supply Chain with Blockchain 中信銀行創新研發部部長|李約Rio LiVice President of CTBC Bank
16:40-16:50 圓滿閉幕Wrap Up
時間 Time 內容 Topic / 講者 Speaker
13:00-13:30 開放入場Reception
13:30-13:40 開場致詞Opening Remarks中信金控科技長|賈景光Titan ChiaChief Technology Officer of CTBC Financial Holding
13:40-14:00 轉型創局》科技驅策 產業揚昇Keynote Speech》Technology Empowers Industrial Innovation數位發展部數位產業署署長|呂正華Jang-Hwa LeuDirector General of Administration for Digital Industries
14:00-14:20 國際協盟》中信創新金融生態體驗Keynote Speech》CTBC Phygital Banking Services中信銀行作業暨資訊處處長|蕭重建Peter HsiaoExecutive Vice President of CTBC Bank
14:20-14:40 國際協盟》攜手國際銀行 建構全球最大區塊鏈貿易融資平台Keynote Speech》Blockchain Trade Finance Platform中信銀行法金產品發展部部長|白逸群Elvis PaiSenior Vice President of CTBC BankContour執行長|Carl WegnerChief Executive Officer at Contour
14:40-15:00 國際協盟》永續科技國際接軌 啟動綠色先行列車Keynote Speech》Technology Assists Low-carbon Green Life中信銀行數位金融處處長|羅至善Shan LuoSenior Vice President of CTBC BankDoconomy商務總監|Carl-Johan von UexkullChief Commercial Officer at Doconomy
15:00-15:20 中場休息Break
15:20-15:40 研發揭密》科技助攻 開創金融新賽道Keynote Speech》Key Technology Development of CTBC Arsenal中信銀行數據暨科技研發處處長|王俊權Friedman WangExecutive Vice President of CTBC Bank
15:40-16:00 研發揭密》AI崛起 拓展金融無限可能Keynote Speech》The Emerging Power of AI and Its Infinite Possibilities in Finance中信銀行智能研發部部長|宋政隆Alan SungSenior Vice President of CTBC Bank
16:00-16:20 研發揭密》數據應用 構建金融新格局Keynote Speech》Building Up the New Paradigm: Leveraging the Power of Data for Finance中信銀行數據規劃部部長|黃逸琴Jean HuangVice President of CTBC Bank
16:20-16:40 轉型創局》運用區塊鏈 打造高價值供應鏈Keynote Speech》Creating High-value Supply Chain with Blockchain中信銀行創新研發部部長|李約Rio LiVice President of CTBC Bank
16:40-16:50 圓滿閉幕Wrap Up

* 主辦單位得保留變動講師及議程之權利 *