時代在走,趨勢在變! 從環境使然的運動情境創新,到產品製造端本身的淨零碳排,
From the innovation of sports situations driven by the environment to the net zero emissions of product manufacturing, low carbon supply chain is underway.
Riding Towards Sustainability Forum by 2024 Taipei Cycle invites industry experts from Europe, America and Asia to share the global trends.
[ 注意事項 ]
※ 主辦單位保留活動議程與講師調整之權利。
※ 本活動全程免費,因座位有限,主辦單位保留資格審核權利。
※ 活動當天須憑活動報到序號入場,並請配合 CDC 防疫規範。
[ Please pay attention to the following points ]
※ The organizer has the right to adjust the activity agenda and lecturers.
※ This forum is free. Due to limited seats, the organizer has the right to review qualifications.
※ On the day of the forum, you must show your registration number, and please comply with CDC epidemic prevention measures.