A New Era of Smart Manufacturing!國際市場高低階競品夾擊,臺灣如何突圍?
How can Taiwan break through in a global market squeezed by competitors?
How can Taiwan leverage its R&D strengths and carbon reduction trends to create new business opportunities?
Drawing insights from Japan and Germany while focusing on Taiwan's industrial landscape, TIMTOS 2025 Keynote & Forum brings together thought leaders in AI, robotics, smart manufacturing, and sustainable green energy.
Join TIMTOS 2025 Keynote & Forum designed to expand your vision and strengthen your competitive edge!
全球唯一、臺灣血統的達明機器人,展示人機協同解決方案! Japan's THK Group will deliver precise and sharp market insights.
TM Robot, a globally unique, Taiwan-born brand, will showcase cutting-edge human-machine collaboration solutions.
時間 Time 議程 Session 講者 Speaker
09:30-10:00 報到入席Registration  
10:00-10:15 開場、主辦單位致歡迎詞Opening Remarks 黃志芳 James C. F. Huang中華民國對外貿易發展協會 董事長Chariman, Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA)
10:15-11:10 AI時代的製造業願景與未來人才The Role of Manufacturing in the AI Era: The Human Resources We Need 寺町彰博 Akihiro TeramachiTHK集團 董事長兼執行長Chairman and CEO, THK
11:10-12:00 AI機器人與人機協同的產業願景The Future is Here , TM AI COBOT 陳尚昊 Haw Chen達明機器人 總經理CEO, Techman Robot Inc.
活動以全英文進行,現場備有同步口譯機服務。The speech will be delivered in English, with simultaneous interpretation devices available on-site.
德國、日本、到臺灣,指標廠商呈現產業智造力與永續力!Industry leaders from Germany, Japan, and Taiwan will demonstrate cutting-edge capabilities in smart and sustainable manufacturing.
時間 Time 議程 Session 講者 Speaker
13:30-14:00 報到入席Registration  
14:00-14:30 精密量測在未來製造業中佔有的領導優勢The leading edge of metrology for future manufacturing 吉田 均 Hitoshi YOSHIDA東京精密 董事長兼執行長Chairman and CEO, TOKYO SEIMITSU CO., LTD.
14:30-15:00 汽車動力總成加工設備的藝術The Art of Automotive Powertrain Machining Equipment 陳天華 Paul Chen友嘉集團 美國MAG 商務開發 副董事長VP Business Development, FFG MAG Automotive LLC
15:00-15:30 運用 AI 引領永續自動化新未來Driving sustainable automation with AI technology 黃欣心 Christine Herbst-Kubitz臺灣西門子數位工業 總經理General Manager, Siemens Taiwan Digital Industries
15:30-16:00 以上銀解決方案,賦能AI創新 推動永續成長Empowering AI Innovation and Sustainable Growth with HIWIN Solutions 張坤耀 Maurice Chang上銀科技股份有限公司 資深處長Global Sales & Marketing Senior Director, HIWIN Technologies Corp.
16:00-16:30 焦點對談Panel Discussion  
16:30 賦歸Farewell  
活動以全英文進行,現場備有同步口譯機服務。The speech will be delivered in English, with simultaneous interpretation devices available on-site.