重磅講者為您揭開 未來智造的機動超時代A New Era of Smart Manufacturing!國際市場高低階競品夾擊,臺灣如何突圍? 臺灣研發優勢與減碳趨勢,如何整合打開新商機? 放眼日本與德國經驗、聚焦臺灣產業現場, 結合AI與機器人、未來智造、綠力永續的重磅講者齊聚TIMTOS, 一場助您展開格局、打造競爭力的高峰盛會! How can Taiwan break through in a global market squeezed by competitors?
How can Taiwan leverage its R&D strengths and carbon reduction trends to create new business opportunities?
Drawing insights from Japan and Germany while focusing on Taiwan's industrial landscape, TIMTOS 2025 Keynote & Forum brings together thought leaders in AI, robotics, smart manufacturing, and sustainable green energy.
Join TIMTOS 2025 Keynote & Forum designed to expand your vision and strengthen your competitive edge!
Japan's THK Group will deliver precise and sharp market insights.
TM Robot, a globally unique, Taiwan-born brand, will showcase cutting-edge human-machine collaboration solutions.
時間 Time
議程 Session
講者 Speaker
開場、主辦單位致歡迎詞Opening Remarks
黃志芳 James C. F. Huang中華民國對外貿易發展協會 董事長Chariman, Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA)
AI時代的製造業願景與未來人才The Role of Manufacturing in the AI Era: The Human Resources We Need
寺町彰博 Akihiro TeramachiTHK集團 董事長兼執行長Chairman and CEO, THK
AI機器人與人機協同的產業願景The Future is Here , TM AI COBOT
陳尚昊 Haw Chen達明機器人 總經理CEO, Techman Robot Inc.
活動以全英文進行,現場備有同步口譯機服務。The speech will be delivered in English, with simultaneous interpretation devices available on-site.
德國、日本、到臺灣,指標廠商呈現產業智造力與永續力!Industry leaders from Germany, Japan, and Taiwan will demonstrate cutting-edge capabilities in smart and sustainable manufacturing.
時間 Time
議程 Session
講者 Speaker
精密量測在未來製造業中佔有的領導優勢The leading edge of metrology for future manufacturing
吉田 均 Hitoshi YOSHIDA東京精密 董事長兼執行長Chairman and CEO, TOKYO SEIMITSU CO., LTD.
汽車動力總成加工設備的藝術The Art of Automotive Powertrain Machining Equipment
陳天華 Paul Chen友嘉集團 美國MAG 商務開發 副董事長VP Business Development, FFG MAG Automotive LLC
運用 AI 引領永續自動化新未來Driving sustainable automation with AI technology
黃欣心 Christine Herbst-Kubitz臺灣西門子數位工業 總經理General Manager, Siemens Taiwan Digital Industries
以上銀解決方案,賦能AI創新 推動永續成長Empowering AI Innovation and Sustainable Growth with HIWIN Solutions
寺町彰博 Akihiro TeramachiTHK集團 董事長兼執行長 Chairman and CEO, THK寺町彰博,畢業於慶應義塾大學商學部,擁有超過40年的領導經驗,歷任THK株式会社多個重要職位,包括代表董事社長,現為THKインテックス株式会社董事會會長及代表董事會長兼CEO。曾任日本工作機器工業會會長,並榮獲法國國家功績勳章(軍官級)及日本藍綬褒章。
Akihiro Teramachi, a graduate of Keio University's Faculty of Business and Commerce, has over 40 years of leadership experience. He has held key positions at THK Co., Ltd., including Representative Director and President, and currently serves as Chairman of the Board and CEO, as well as Chairman of THK Intex Co., Ltd. He is a former Chairman of the Japan Machine Accessory Association and has been honored with the French National Order of Merit (Officer rank) and Japan's Medal of Blue Ribbon.
寺町崇史 Teramachi TakashiTHK集團 總經理兼營運長 Chief Operating Officer, President, THK
Teramachi Takashi, a graduate of Keio University's Graduate School of Science and Technology, previously held key positions at Sumitomo Corporation. He is now the Representative Director, President, and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of THK Co., Ltd., as well as a Director of THK Intex Co., Ltd. With extensive experience in the industrial machinery sector, he focuses on advancing the IMT Division and overseeing the integration and management of industrial equipment operations.
陳尚昊 Haw Chen達明機器人 總經理 CEO, Techman Robot Inc.
陳尚昊,陽明交通大學電機與控制工程系碩士,1999年起服務於廣明光電,擔任系統裝置事業群副總經理,於2020年始擔任達明機器人總經理。 Haw Chen, holding a master's degree in Electrical and Control Engineering from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, has been serving at Quanta Storage since 1999 as Vice President of the System Device Business Group. Since 2020, he has been the General Manager of Techman Robot.
吉田 均 Hitoshi YOSHIDA東京精密株式會社 董事長兼執行長 Chairman and CEO, TOKYO SEIMITSU CO., LTD.
Yoshida joined TOKYO SEIMITSU CO., LTD. in 1983 and he has held various important posts such as an Executive Officer of Metrology Company (2002-2005),Managing Executive Officer of Metrology Company(2005-2007), Director (2005-2011), Representative Director (2011-2015),then in 2015, he was appointed as President and CEO of the company.
In 2022, he was appointed as Chairman and CEO of TOKYO SEIMITSU CO., LTD., also he took role as Representative of Japan Precision Measuring Instruments Manufacturers Association since 2020.
陳天華 Paul Chen友嘉集團美國MAG 商務開發 副董事長 VP Business Development, FFG MAG Automotive LLC
陳天華在2003年加入友嘉集團。現擔任在美國密西根州的友嘉MAG Automotive商務開發副董。 在他的職業生涯中,陳天華始終奉行「尋找更好方法」的核心信念。他的處事理念圍繞著「跳出既定思考框架」,實施創新策略並取得卓越成果。現階段,陳天華正全力推動友嘉集團在北美市場的擴展,致力於提升市佔率,進一步鞏固集團在北美市場的領先地位。
Paul Chen has been a key member of the Fair Friend Group (FFG) since 2003, and he is currently the Vice President of Business Development at FFG MAG Automotive, based in Michigan, USA. Throughout his career, Paul has consistently embodied the core belief of “Finding A Better Way”. Known for his “thinking outside the box” approach and implementing innovative strategies to achieve exceptional results, Paul is currently focused on strengthening and expanding FFG's market share and presence in North America, further solidifying FFG's leading position in the world.
黃欣心 Christine Herbst-Kubitz臺灣西門子數位工業 總經理 General Manager, Siemens Taiwan Digital Industries
黃欣心自 2011年以來在西門子擔任多項職務,工作經歷遍及德國、韓國、新加坡和台灣。她的經驗相當豐富,涵蓋銷售、專案管理、研發和業務發展,特別擅長擬訂策略方針和經營管理。她帶領台灣的智慧基礎建設和能源管理業務,成功推廣西門子全面性產品組合,提高各產業(涵蓋半導體)的客戶生產力。在自動化領域方面,黃欣心透過管理不同產業的工廠自動化全球機械製造業務,帶領團隊專注於未來機械製造和工廠自動化的策略項目上。
Christine has held a variety of roles at Siemens since 2011, including positions in Germany, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. Her experience ranges from Sales, PM, R&D and Business Development, with a particular expertise in business strategy and general management. She led the Smart Infrastructure and Energy Management businesses in Taiwan to promote Siemens' comprehensive portfolio and boost customer productivity in different industries, e.g. Semiconductor. In the field of automation, Christine demonstrated her capabilities by managing the global machine-building business in factory automation of different industries, and led in additional strategic projects focused on the future of machine building and factory automation.
張坤耀 Maurice Chang上銀科技股份有限公司 資深處長 Global Sales & Marketing Senior Director, HIWIN Technologies Corp.
目前為行銷事業群資深處長, 具多年經驗在整合全球資源及跨國市場開發。在上銀科技的團隊合作共同努力及品牌持續創新下, 上銀科技以其專業及品牌行銷全球服務客戶,在各領域替客戶創造價值, 達成卓越的成就,目前上銀科技為全球排名第二名的傳動產品製造商。上銀科技在精密製造、機電自動化和智慧製造及半導體Cowos智慧自動化領域, 上銀科技是全球產業的重要伙伴, 在業界俱有創新領先及重要地位。
Maurice is the Global Sales & Marketing Senior Director in HIWIN. Has abundant experience in global resource integration and global customer development.With HIWIN team's effort and innovation, HIWIN promotes and marketing globally with its product and brand to serve global customers. Creates value added and achieved excellence for customer in all industries. HIWIN is the global No. 2 leader and manufacturer in the motion and control. HIWIN in precision manufacturing, mechatronic automation, intelligent manufacturing as well as smart automation in Semicon COWOS applications. HIWIN is the best partner for global industry and known for its innovation to create value for customers.