3、The universe may not always play fair, but at least it's got a hell of a sense of humor.(宇宙不見得公平,但至少它超有幽默感。)-Sex and the City慾望城市
Play fair是公平運作、公平競爭的意思,play也可以用來表達「裝」,像是play innocent有裝無辜的意思,play hard to get故意裝出不肯合作的樣子,以達到自己的目的;也有裝難以接近的意思,刺激對方進一步追求。play it cool則是裝冷靜、無動於衷的樣子,例如:Sometimes if you play it cool with a guy, he gets more interested.(有時候妳假裝對某男生沒興趣,他對妳會越感興趣。)
4、They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style.(人家說沒有任何事是永恆的,夢想會改變,潮流來來去去,但友誼永遠不會過時。)-Sex and the City慾望城市
Go out of style也可以說成go out of fashion,字面上是離開時髦、流行,也就是「過時」的意思,例:This shirt won’t go out of style.( 這件襯衫不會退流行。)
另外go out of本身指「停止」,像是go out of service暫停服務,例:The elevator goes out of service. (電梯已經無法使用了。)
Go out of business為「停業」的意思,例:The new shop will go out of business if sales don't get better.(如果這間新店的業績沒有起色將會停業。)
5、You can never go wrong with a genuine compliment.(真誠的讚美絕對不會錯。)-Desperate Housewives慾望師奶
Go wrong with是「失敗、發生故障」,加上否定用法就變成「絕對不會出錯」,所以才會常聽到穿搭服飾的專家說:You can never go wrong with black and white!(黑白搭配的造型絕對不會錯!)
6、Did I ever tell you I've got a thing for brunettes?(我有跟妳說過我喜歡咖啡色頭髮的女生嗎?)-Tangled魔法奇緣
喜歡的說法除了大家都會用的like,也可以用”have a thing for someone”,婉轉地表達喜歡某人,另外還有迷戀某人have a crush on someone的說法,通常指盲目、一時地愛戀。例:You only have a crush on him.(你只是一時迷戀他而已。)