Outward Bound課程執行團隊為台灣最早引進美國Project Adventure(簡稱PA)探索體驗式學習的教育訓練團隊,以美國 PA課程架構為基礎,引進 Outward Bound教育理念與課程引導技巧,擁有全球 Outward Bound 專業指導員與學習環境資源,融合國際知識技術與台灣職場企業文化,至今已有上千場次的訓練經驗。深獲知名企業肯定,宏碁、IBM、台積電、Nike、CHANEL、麥當勞、可口可樂、中國信託、台灣大哥大、Yahoo!奇摩…等企業指定合作。
台灣外展教育基金會與世界三十四國的Outward Bound學校同屬於一個體系,每年服務二十五萬人。每間Outward Bound學校都致力於幫助人們探索並發展自我潛能,以期在時常變動、陌生的環境中,克服種種挑戰,妥善照顧自我、協助他人,兼愛整個世界。Outward Bound所帶來的正面影響,廣受教育界和企業界所知曉,其各項優點也透過眾多研究調查而獲得證實。
我和廖炳煌先生(台灣外展教育基金會執行長)的所有接觸當中,我對於他身為體驗教育家的技能,以及他為Outward Bound挹注更多創新、有創意的教學方法感到印象十分深刻。兩年前,我很榮幸有機會和他與眾人一起攀爬非洲吉力馬扎羅山,這是Outward Bound全球領袖計劃的首次活動。
二OO八年二月,我很高興能有機會和台灣外展教育基金會所有同仁用一周的時間完成冬季訓練探險。台灣同仁的專業技能,讓我印象深刻,其團隊精神十分濃厚。擁有這樣專業的領導和戶外相關技能,我期許不久便能見證台灣外展教育基金會領先其他更大、更久的Outward Bound中心,成為全球Outward Bound體系中的佼佼者。 最後,謹祝台灣外展教育基金會一切成功,我們將適時提供必要的協助。
Congratulations to both of you and the staff of Outward Bound Taiwan on establishing your organization in such good time and offering such a grand scale of programs for the youth and adults of Taiwan.
Outward Bound Taiwan joins a network of Outward Bound schools in 34 countries worldwide that serve over a quarter of a million people a year. Each school is dedicated to the mission of helping people discover and develop their potential to care for themselves, others and the world around them through challenging experiences in unfamiliar settings. The positive impact of Outward Bound is familiar to educators, to those involved in management training and the benefit s are established by numerous research studies. In all my contacts with Ping-Huang Liao I have been astounded by his skill as an experiential educator and his creative energy for finding innovative applications of the Outward Bound methodology. I was particularly delighted to climb Kilimanjaro with him two years ago as part of the first Outward Bound Global Leaders Program.
In February this year I was able to spend a week with all the staff of Outward Bound Taiwan on a winter training expedition. The range of skills was particularly impressive and the team spirit was very tangible. With such leadership and expertise among the operational staff I expect that Outward Bound Taiwan will soon rival the largest and long established Outward Bound centers among the worldwide network.
I wish Outward Bound Taiwan every success and offer our support as you move forward.